Supporting The Sail Of The Bay Of Cenderawasih Papua, BNPB Establishes A Disaster Preparedness Command Post
JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) established a disaster emergency alert post to fully support the 2023 Saluk Cenderawasih (STC) national event in Biak Numfor Regency, Papua.
Deputy for Emergency Management of BNPB Major General TNI Fajar Setyawan said the post was firmly established and was only about 50 meters from the location of the peak of the event, to make it easier for personnel to handle if there was an emergency that threatened the participants at the peak of the 2023 STC.
"BNPB together with BPBD supports STC in the form of an emergency alert post, of course it is also supported by both personnel, logistics, and equipment," Fajar said when he arrived in Biak Regency, Papua, Wednesday, November 22, which was confiscated by Antara.
The post called the Earthquake and Extreme Weather Emergency Alert Post is adjacent to the Main Venue in the Samau Beach area.
There are 20 posko personnel consisting of five BNPB, five Papua Province Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) and 10 other personnel from BPBD Biak Numfor Regency who are always on standby.
The peak event will be attended by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo and the leaders of other institutions, from the BNPB, the Deputy for Emergency Management of BNPB, Maj. Gen. TNI Fajar Setyawan S IP, representing the Head of BNPB who was unable to attend.
"Hopefully in the implementation of the STC peak tomorrow will run successfully without any transverse flow caused by natural disasters," he said.
Like every establishment of a disaster post elsewhere, this post is led by the Head of BPBD Biak Numfor Regency. This election is because BPBD is a party that is given a mandate for all matters in the context of disasters in the regions and better understands the characteristics of its territory.
"In this case, what we appointed the post commander was the Chief Executive-Head of BPBD Biak Regency," said Fajar.
The Samu Beach area already has tsunami evacuation route instructions placed in strategic locations, so it is hoped that if later there is information that a tsunami will occur both during the 2023 STC and on other occasions, tourists and the surrounding community can evacuate independently to safer places.