West Coast Lampung Handles 17 New Cases Of HIV/AIDS, Patients Handled By Health Center
LAMPUNG - The West Coast District Health Office (Dinkes) in Lampung Province recorded 17 new positive cases of HIV/AIDS in 2023.
"January to Thursday, May 25, the number of positive cases was 16, then there was an additional 1 new case on the Central Coast, bringing a total of 17 patients," said Head of Disease Prevention and Control at the West Coast Health Office, Lisma Yunita, in Krui, Lampung, Friday, August 4, which was confiscated by Antara.
Lisma said, for all cases exposed to HIV/AIDS in Pesisir Barat Regency, all treatment has been carried out.
"It has been handled at the puskesmas by providing HIV/AIDS counseling and treatment by providing ARV (Anti Retro Viral)," he said.
He explained that the transmission of HIV/AIDS can be experienced at various ages, but the most dominant is teenagers.
"The majority infected were aged 20 to 50 years," he said.
For this reason, he said, his party has made efforts to stop the transmission of the syphilic disease and HIV/AIDS infection.
"We have prepared a place for HIV program services at the puskesmas, namely by screening or examining HIV," he said.
So, he said again, if there are people infected with HIV/AIDS, they can immediately be given treatment to prevent transmission to children during childbirth.
In addition, his party also provides education to risky groups who are vulnerable to the disease.
He appealed to the entire community, especially teenagers, to avoid promiscuity such as free sex.
"An appeal to the public to prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS is to have safe sex, not to change partners, to avoid drugs by using syringes together," he also said.
He also appealed to the entire community, especially teenagers, to avoid promiscuity such as free sex and not to carry out activities that pose a risk of HIV/AIDS transmission.
"For those who are not married, they do not have sex, and those who are married only have sex with their partners," he said.