Panji Gumilang Make Sure To Attend Police Examination Today, Bring Evidence Denying Blasphemy Of Religion

JAKARTA - The head of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School, Panji Gumilang, confirmed that he would fulfill the summons for an examination related to the alleged blasphemy case on Tuesday, August 1. The certainty was conveyed by his attorney, Hendra Effendi. It is said that his client will carry out his obligation to provide information at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. "It is possible that we are present (fulfilling the summons for examination)," said Hendra when confirmed, Tuesday, August 1. The plan is that the Panji will arrive at the Criminal Investigation Unit at noon. However, regarding the time cannot be confirmed. In addition, Hendra continued, his client will also bring several pieces of evidence to refute the accusations that he has blasphemed religion. However, he did not specify the form of evidence in question. "Yes, we will definitely include it. Many (evidence)," said Hendra. Meanwhile, Bareskrim Polri rescheduled the examination of the head of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School, Panji Gumilang, at the beginning of next week. The previous Gumilang test was scheduled to provide information on Thursday, July 27. However, he was not present for reasons of illness. For information, Panji Gumilang was originally examined on July 3, then. The examination was limited to clarification related to reports made by several parties.

During the examination, Panji Gumilang was said to have acknowledged all his statements circulating in the form of videos. One of the videos circulating on social media, Panji Gumilang said the Qur'an was a essay by the Prophet Muhammad.