Listen Carefully! Here's How To Sell Your House To Sell It Quickly

YOGYAKARTA Selling a house in a short time is not an easy matter. Selling the house is like finding a mate, it needs a match. Therefore, you need to find a buyer who is matched with a house that you want to sell. Although it seems difficult, there's nothing wrong with practicing how to sell the house so that it sells quickly.

Summarized from various sources, here are tips for selling houses in a short time that you can practice:

Originally, house renovations were not an absolute thing to do before selling the house. However, you need to consider renovations because it can provide added value in the eyes of potential buyers.

According to Home Light, in a survey conducted by Coldwell Banker in 2020 on 2,000 Americans, 80 percent of them prefer to buy houses that don't need to be renovated anymore.

That means, prospective buyers tend to prefer ready-to-live houses even though the price is relatively more expensive.

When you want to sell your house, don't forget to check the price of the land around your home area. This is so that you can determine the price of the house you want to sell.

How to check the price of land around the house that you want to sell is to do research through property search sites in Indonesia. Next, calculate the estimated price of the area of the building in the house sold to find land and building prices. The proceeds from the addition of the price can be used as a valuation of the price of your house.

In addition, also check the Sale Value of Tax Objects or NJOP in the area around your house in the Land and Building Tax (PBB) which is received every year. There is information about NJOP, both land and buildings.

Usually, the house sells for two or three times above NJOP. However, if the house sold is in a strategic area, the price can be doubled.

Installing advertisements on the home buying and selling platform can increase the affordability of potential buyers.

So, for your selling to sell quickly, show a representative photo and take advantage of the advertiser feature so that your home ad appears on the first page. However, you have to pay if you want to use this feature.

Social media such as Instagram and Facebook, are effective enough to install home sales ads. Upload photos of the house you sell along with the information. Don't forget to boost and target who will see this upload.

Just so you know, property agents can play an important role in fast home sales. Therefore, take advantage of the property agent if you want your house to be sold. Choose a property agent who already has a good and reliable history. If your house has been sold, commission for the agent.

Generally, property agents will ask for a commission of 2.5 percent of the total house price.

That's information about how to sell houses so that they can sell quickly. Hopefully this article can increase the insight of VOI.ID readers.