BPOM Mendekuk Sido Appears To Be The Best Company Able To Guarantee Product Quality
JAKARTA - PT Industri Jamu and Pharmacy Sido Muncul Tbk (Sido Muncul) is lined up to be one of the best companies that has guaranteed product quality from upstream to downstream, by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). Sido Muncul is also considered to have committed to supporting the supply of quality natural medicinal raw materials as a basis for national independence.
Director of Sido Muncul, Irwan Hidayat, said that he really appreciated this award. According to him, BPOM has made a very good breakthrough for the Indonesian medicine and food industry.
Because according to him, the assessment of the quality of a drug and food company is mainly based on aspects of food and medicinal raw materials. Starting from upstream or downstream.
"BPOM not only supervises and gives permission, but they provide motivation, namely appreciation. Where the industry is rewarded for its efforts," said Irwan at the awarding ceremony which took place at Grand Mercure Kemayoran, Thursday, July 27.
Furthermore, said Irwan, Sido Muncul is very selective when producing various herbal medicinal products. Starting from raw materials that enter the factory, to Sido Muncul products are finished and sold in the market.
To ensure the quality in question, Sido Muncul has various facilities such as laboratories to check the quality of raw materials, have its own greenhouse Nursery, and collaborate with Universities for research or development.
In fact, Sido Muncul also developed a supply chain for herbal raw materials, namely by cooperating with farmers.
Irwan admitted that his party often conducts training and assistance to increase the capacity of human resources, thus having an impact on improving the quality standards of materials, by implementing post-harvest activities such as making extractions.
This needs to be done to be able to help meet the needs of traditional herbal medicine raw materials, which are currently increasing demand.
"When it comes to planting, we cooperate with farmers. Then we have a laboratory and a greenhouse tournament, we have also collaborated with universities. Because there are a lot of raw materials being processed, there are a lot of markets and a lot of oppotunity, so we can't do this alone. So we are willing to teach farmers," he concluded.
On the same occasion, the Head of BPOM RI, Penny K. Lukito, explained that his party continues to build, help, support, and facilitate the natural medicine industry.
According to Penny, Indonesia is awarded biodiversity in terms of raw materials for traditional or herbal medicines. So that the potential that is owned must be maximized, of course, so that Indonesia is independent in the field of drugs made from nature.
This is also stated in Presidential Instruction (INPRES) Number 6 of 2016 concerning the Acceleration of the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry and Medical Devices.
"This is a potential that we need to develop as a substitute or alternative treatment," said Penny.