Abandoned To Be Fired, The Honorary Board Of The DKI DPRD Is Not Investigating The Case Of Love Mega Playing Games During The Plenary Session

JAKARTA - The Honorary Board (BK) of the DKI Jakarta DPRD decided not to process the case of DKI Jakarta DPRD member Cinta Mega who violated ethics for playing games in the plenary meeting of the DKI Jakarta DPRD.

This was conveyed by the Chairman of the BK DPRD Ahmad Nawawi after receiving a report submitted by the Indonesian Youth Congress (KPI) asking the DKI DPRD BK to examine Cinta Mega.

"One of the decisions at the internal BK meeting today is that BK did not continue the investigation into Cinta Mega because there was already a decision that preceded it, namely the decision from the DPD PDI Perjuangan Jakarta," Nawawi told reporters, Wednesday, July 26.

Deputy Chairperson of the BK DPRD DKI Jakarta, Oman Rohman Ralinda, explained that in principle, the BK of the DKI DPRD would follow up on all incoming public reports related to ethical violations of council members.

However, in the case of Cinta Mega, the Regional Leadership Council (DPD) of the DKI Jakarta PDIP has taken a first stance by deciding to remove the person concerned from the position of a member of the DKI DPRD.

Thus, Cinta Mega will be replaced by other PDIP cadres as members of the DKI DPRD through the interim replacement process (PAW).

"Because the PDIP faction has taken a stand that far, we conclude that there is no need to continue the process at the BK," said Oman.

It is known that a member of the PDIP faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Cinta Mega, was subject to sanctions for interim replacement (PAW) from his position due to playing games during a plenary meeting of the DKI Jakarta DPRD.

The dismissal of Cinta Mega from the position of a member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD was decided at the plenary meeting of the DKI Jakarta PDIP Regional Leadership Council (DPD) which was Tuesday, July 25 evening. "Previously, I apologize for the behavior of my member named Cinta Mega. Whatever is wrong there, yes. So there is no business regarding slots, games, wrong things, period," said DPD PDIP DPD chairman DKI Jakarta Adi Widjaja at the DPD PDIP DKI Jakarta office.

"Earlier we had a plenary meeting because everything we make is normal through this plenary meeting. After the plenary meeting we will impose sanctions in the form of PAW," continued Adi.

Adi said that his party would send a letter of application for PAW Cinta Mega to the PDIP Central Leadership Council (DPP) tonight. Furthermore, the DPP will submit PAW to the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD to be forwarded to the General Elections Commission (KPU).

However, Adi has not disclosed who the cadre will replace Cinta Mega in the Jakarta parliament seat for the 2019-2024 period. "Yes, that will be later," said Adi.

Meanwhile, Adi submitted the decision to the DPP regarding the fate of Cinta Mega whether to be fired from the status of a PDIP cadre or not.

"Later let the DPP decide," he said.