8 Diet Tips To Prevent Heart Disease

YOGYAKARTA Foods consumed play an important role in shaping long-term health. If you haven't started regulating foods consumed daily, then it's time to change a better diet for heart health. Experts recommend the following diet tips to prevent heart disease.

How much food you eat, it turns out that you need calculations. If you often eat at a restaurant, of course, you tend to get a large portion except to order carte-style food.

Tips, use a plate or small bowl to control the portion of the meal. The contents of the plate are more nutrient-rich foods such as fruit and vegetables instead of rice. For high-calorie foods with additional salt, take it in small quantities. The ideal portion, measuring per diet-dependent food group you live in. You may be able to calculate based on a spoon as its size.

Vegetables and fruit are good sources of vitamins and minerals. In addition, this type of fresh food is also low in calories and rich in fiber. Planted foods contain substances that help prevent cardiovascular disease. That is, multiply eating fruits and vegetables instead of meat, cheese, and snacks.

Whole grains are a source of fiber and nutrients that play a role in regulating blood pressure and heart health. You can increase whole grain food in a healthy diet for the heart. Whole grains such as red rice, mink, gempa, and oatmeal can be an option.

Restricting several types of trans fatty foods and saturated fat, it must be done to prevent heart disease. Because this type of bad fat can increase cholesterol, buildup of arterial plaque, and cause atherosclerosis, risk of heart attack, and stroke.

Launching the Mayo Clinic page, stick to the guidelines to reduce saturated fat by 11-13 percent of the 2,000 calories of food you eat in a day. How to practice it, cut fat from meat or choose fatless meat. In addition, use less butter and margarine when cooking your own food. Plus, limit the additional salt to your diet.

fatless meat, poultry, and fish and eggs are the best choice of protein source. Fish are the best, because certain types of fish are rich in omega-3, this content can reduce blood fat or triglycerides. Like in salmon, goreckerel, and herring fish. If the source of protein from plant-based foods, you can choose hemp seeds, walnuts, soybeans, beans, and nuts.

Foods that are too much salt can cause high blood pressure. This is one of the risk factors for heart disease. This means to prevent experiencing, limit the consumption of salt to a size of no more than 2,300 milligrams or one teaspoon every day. So that the food consumed remains delicious, you can add more spices.

When selecting the daily menu, you can create a menu based on the six tips above. Most importantly that must be emphasized, choose fruits, vegetables, and seeds instead of flour bags. Choose a source of protein without fat and healthy fat, as well as limit salted foods. Pay attention to your portion size and add variations to your menu selection.

Without intending to thwart a diet, it is necessary to give a gift to yourself occasionally. For example by tapping a piece of candy or a handful of potato chips. But it's important to hold it, don't let this gift make you give up. Continue to run the plan to eat healthy with a long-term goal of preventing heart disease.