Being One Of The Heroes Of The National Economy, The KKP Will Encourage The Pindang Partnership Scheme

In order to ensure the availability of raw materials for processing Pindang, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) encourages the partnership scheme of business actors in the sector.

The scheme was driven because the fulfillment of raw material (pindang) needs could not come from one point, but communication was needed between raw material providers.

Director General of Strengthening Competitiveness for Marine and Fishery Products Budi Sulistiyo said the kicker was one of the national economic heroes. He gave an example in East Java, where there were 1,098 midfielders. Especially in Tulungagung and Trenggalek, there were 30 and 39 units of midfielders each.

"As a traditional processed product that is very popular with the community because it tastes good, lasts a long time, rich in protein content, and has affordable prices, it also plays a strategic role in economic growth in the downstream fisheries sector," Budi said as quoted from the KKP website, Tuesday, July 25.

Budi said that the benefits of the elimination also had an impact on the socio-economic aspects of the community, namely absorption and labor wages, increasing income through added value of products, and growing other economic sectors.

"The circulation of the national expansion business, if calculated from the sales value of the loan products, is around Rp. 16 trillion. This amount does not take into account the dual effects of other economic sectors, either directly or indirectly," he said.

Ke depan, Budi berharap produk pindang yang saat ini sebagian besar masuk ke pasar wet (traditional), juga dapat memperluas masuk ke pasar retail modern dengan kualitas yang prima.

In the FGD (Focus Group Discussion) Facilitation of the Procurement Partnership and Storage of Raw Financing Materials in Tulungagung, Director of Logistics of the Directorate General of PDS Berny A. Subki revealed that the purpose of the FGD is to optimize the role of business actors in meeting the needs of raw materials in midfield through fish procurement and storage partnerships.

"Meeting of suppliers (professors), distributors, and lender processors is expected to provide a common understanding regarding the macro picture of the indexing industry," he said.

As a form of commitment, the Directorate General of PDS collaborated with them by signing a joint agreement between big fisheries business actors (suppliers) and financier distributors, then the agreement between the kicker distributor and the midfielder processing group, all of whom are business actors in the supply chain of the refinancing business.

"This includes suppliers (suppliers), distributors, and midfielders from Tulungagung and Trenggalek Regencies," he said.

On the same occasion, the Head of the Fisheries Service of Tulungagung Regency, Lugu Tri Handoko, said that the absorption and indexing as processed fishery commodities was carried out by the majority of the people of Tulungagung. They are scattered in Bandung, Campurdarat, and Gondang sub-districts.

He hopes that the facilitation of this supply and storage partnership for raw materials to be collected can have a positive impact on all stakeholders.

"Hopefully it will be able to increase the awareness of fishery business actors in Tulungagung regarding the availability of fish and food security guarantees," he added.