198 Food Toxic Victims In Cimahi When DPRD Members' Recess Is Still Being Treated

BANDUNG - The Health Office (Dinkes) of Cimahi City, West Java, revealed that 326 people were exposed to food poisoning at the DPRD members' recess event in Cimahi.

"Based on the data we received, there were 326 affected, with 198 people being treated, while the rest were outpatient," said Head of Disease Prevention and Control at the Cimahi Health Office, Dwihadi Isnalini, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 25.

Until now, there have been several patients who have been allowed to go home after undergoing treatment at the hospital, but most are still in the healing stage because they still feel pain such as nausea and vomiting, then fever and shortness of breath. "Maybe his stomach is summons to make it feel tight", he said.

Dwihadi ensured that all medical expenses for victims of food poisoning were borne by the Cimahi City Government (Pemkot) using the APBD, considering their status as an Extraordinary Event (KLB).

"We follow the applicable rules and why regional financing, not from other sources such as BPJS Kesehatan, because as far as I know if there is an incident like this KLB, it cannot be borne. We prepare everything at the beginning, the important thing is that the community is helped first," he explained.

Regarding the KLB status, Dwihadi said his implementation saw further developments.

"So we will continue to monitor it, if there are no additional cases, we may stop it," he said.

It is known that hundreds of people experienced similar symptoms of poisoning after eating food from the recess of DPRD members in Padasuka Village. The victims came from Setiamanah Village, Cimahi Village, and Padasuka Village.

Some residents who experience symptoms of poisoning after being observed at the Padasuka Health Center - which is a food poisoning health post - only require outpatients. However, there are also patients who need further treatment so they are taken to the hospital using an ambulance.

There are five hospitals that are referral places for patients with food poisoning, namely Ciibabat, Dustira, Mitra Kasih, Kasih Bunda, and Mitra Anugrah Lestari (MAL).

In an effort to find out the cause of poisoning, the Padasuka Health Center with the Cimahi Health Office on Sunday (23/7) sent samples of food consumed by people who experienced symptoms of poisoning to the West Java Provincial Health Laboratory.

Until now, Cimahi City is still waiting for the results of the examination of food samples from the laboratory.

"So it is not certain what the cause is," said Dwihadi.