BRIN Develops Smart Magnetic Anti- Radar Paint Application For Alutsista
JAKARTA - The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) is developing a smart magnetic material application as an anti- radar paint pigment to support the main weapon system (alutsista).
Wisnu Ari Adi, a researcher from BRIN's Advanced Materials Research Center, stated that the anti- radar paint had gone through various tests ranging from laboratory-scale prototypes, field object radar tests, pilot-scale prototypes, to stealth object function tests.
"Testing was also carried out with the target of a prototype of combat vehicles and other stealth objects with the results of the target not visible on the radar system," said Wisnu in a statement in Jakarta, this week.
Wisnu explained that anti- radar paint is a technology that can disrupt radar detection or monitoring of an object, and this technology is generally used in defense and security systems.
According to him, military equipment generally uses a lot of metals such as iron and aluminum, so smart magnetic materials are very suitable for defense equipment.
Indonesia has abundant reserves of smart magnetic materials, but imported components are still needed to produce anti-fare paint.
BRIN has collaborated with various stakeholders in developing anti-rocket paint, and now this technology has entered the industrial scale stage.
"We hope that anti-rock paint research that has entered an industrial scale can contribute to the country's security defense system," said Wisnu.