Ministry Of PUPR: Handling Regional Roads In North Bengkulu And 12 Other Provinces Starting This July

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) accompanied by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono reviewed the start of regional road handling in Bengkulu Province, Friday, July 21.

The damaged roads that are reviewed are Jalan Kerkap-Tanjung Agung Palik-Gunung Selan-Girimulya in Gardu Village, North Bengkulu Regency.

On this occasion, PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said the repair of the regional roads would begin in the third week of July 2023.

"The regional road inpres aims to deal with damaged non-national roads and increase the absorption of regional roads throughout Indonesia through the assistance of the state budget. This month, we have started in Bengkulu and 12 other provinces simultaneously, such as Lampung, Jambi, North Sumatra, and West Java," Minister Basuki said in his official statement, Friday, July 21.

Meanwhile, the Director of Preservation for Area 1 of the Road and Bridge of the Directorate General of Highways of the Ministry of PUPR, Nyoman Suaryana, said that for DIPA, the work of Jalan Inpres Number 3 of 2023 had been published on July 11, 2023.

"Then, we immediately conducted an auction/procurement with e-catalog. As of July 20, 2023, 24 work packages have been contracted with a value of around Rp. 1 trillion more for all of Indonesia out of a total budget of Rp. 7.4 trillion for stage 1," said Nyoman.

Nyoman said, until the end of July 2023, it is targeted that 229 packages have been contracted and can be done immediately.

"The target is to complete everything by the end of 2023, except for one package in Central Java with a multi-year contract until 2024, namely on Jalan Tambakmulyo," he said.

On the same occasion, the Head of the Bengkulu National Road Implementation Agency (BPJN) Aryatno Sihombing said, the 58.4 km Kerkap-Tanjung Agung Palak-Gunung Selan-Grimulya Road section is one of the sections handled through the Regional Road Inpres in Bengkulu in FY 2023 with a budget of IDR 41.44 billion.

"This section is very important for transporting plantation and agricultural products. Its implementation period starts from July 18, 2023 until the end of December 2023. The construction is carried out by PT Rodateknindo Pura Jaya, with existing conditions of 9.5 km and heavily damaged along 48.9 km," he explained.

Aryatno said, for all Bengkulu Province there are 8 segments along 155.7 km which are carried out through Presidential Instruction Number 3 of 2023 with a budget allocation of IDR 327.12 billion.

The other seven sections, namely Jalan Palak Siring-Matai in South Bengkulu Regency (18.28 km), Jalan Tanah Rekah- Sp IV Teras Terunjam (19.1 km), Jalan Tenangan-Rawasari Seluma Regency (9.7 km), and Jalan Simpang Pt Maju-Talang Baru to Gajah Makmur, Mukomuko Regency (32.15 km).

Then, Jalan Suka Maju-Bukit Makmur Mukomuko Regency (8.4 km), Jalan Embong Panjang-Semelako Lebong Regency (5 km), and Jalan Talang Bunut-Lemeupit Lebong Regency (4.63 km).

One resident named Meli Fransiska who works as a local village companion in Arma Jaya District hopes that road repairs can facilitate his daily duties.

"We hope that this road will be repaired soon so that this village is better, helping villagers carry the products of plantations and agriculture, namely palm oil and rubber," he added.