OKU Police Close Illegal Fuel Hoarding Warehouse

Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Police, South Sumatra closed a warehouse where illegal fuel oil (BBM) was stockpiled in Kelurahan Kemelak Bamung Langit, East Baturaja District.

OKU Police Chief AKBP Arif Harsono said the case was revealed thanks to reports from the public who were worried about the activities of hoarding illegal fuel in the area.

However, unfortunately, when the police raid was carried out, they only found dozens of empty drums suspected of being illegal fuel hoarding sites, as well as one quadratic oil reservoir and several jerry cans placed next to Genda's rented house.

"As we can see, there are 19 drums measuring 220 liters in empty conditions, one reservoir or an oil reservoir containing suspected diesel fuel with a capacity of approximately 1,000 liters and several empty jerry cans," said the Police Chief as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 21.

Meanwhile, regarding who owns the illegal fuel, the Police Chief has not provided definite information.

He said that currently there are only allegations regarding the name of the illegal fuel owner.

"When the raid was carried out, the perpetrator was not there. However, we have received several names related to the fuel ownership. This case is still in the process of being investigated," he said.

Meanwhile, Genda, the owner of the boarding house, said that the illegal fuel hoarding activity had only been going on since the last few months.

"The one who has contracted here is JN, a resident of Lengkiti District, OKU Regency, since three months ago," he said.