ASDP Serves 1.065 Million Logistics Vehicles In Semester I 2023

JAKARTA - PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) noted that in the first semester of 2023 it had served 1.065 million logistics vehicles consisting of class IV B vehicles, V B, VI B, VII, VIII, and IX.

ASDP President Director Ira Puspadewi said that during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the trend of passengers and passenger vehicles using ferries had decreased quite drastically compared to 2019.

The trigger is that the government implemented large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) and even closed services for passengers in total during the pandemic in early 2020 which had an impact on reducing community mobility.

"However, logistics sector services are still operating normally so that ASDP continues to fully serve logistics trucks that carry necessities to maintain stable supply in the regions. This logistics sector service is still supporting the ASDP crossing business to date," said Ira in his statement, quoted from Antara, Friday, July 21.

The government, he continued, since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic has strongly supported the activities of the logistics sector through crossings, where there are no restrictions on the transportation of goods to support the stability of basic commodities in all regions.

"If you look at the numbers, the trend of logistics transportation through ferries continues to increase every year and this is the focus of ASDP's business continuity," he said.

From this production figure, in the January-June 2023 period, ASDP managed to record consolidated revenues of IDR 699 billion out of a total of 1.065 million logistics vehicles and an increase of 31 percent compared to the same period in 2022 of IDR 534 billion.

Meanwhile, from bulk goods transported as much as 1.2 million tons of goods, with a total income of around Rp. 7.6 billion.

In 2023, ASDP targets to achieve a total revenue of IDR 5.6 trillion with a net profit of around IDR 700 billion. As for crossing production in 2023, ASDP targets 9.9 million passengers, 6.5 million two-wheeled and three-wheeled vehicles, 6.6 million units of four-wheeled vehicles, and 1.9 million tons of total transported goods.

ASDP continues to strive to maintain post-COVID-19 business stability by efficiency and prioritizing programs that bring in profit.

ASDP continues to accelerate the digitization of crossings through online ticketing Ferizy services that have been in effect in four main ports, namely Merak, Bakauheni, Ketapang, and Gilimanuk as well as the application of non-cashless payment methods with electronic money cards, virtual accounts, and electronic wallets whose implementation of them is in more than 25 ASDP ports that have reached 100 percent.

ASDP is also optimistic that the post-COVID-19 ferry business will get worse by continuing to provide excellent service, especially for the logistics sector which supports the company's performance.