Children Of Orang Utan Pesawat Left By Identification In The Gardens Of Riau Residents Evacuated By Extension Officers

RIAU - Community Self-Help Forestry Extension Officer (PSKM) evacuated a female orangutan from a resident's garden in Indragiri Hilir Regency, Riau.

PSKM Indragiri Hilir, Sutino said the orangutan child was left by the parent in a weak condition.

"Utan people originally roamed in residents' gardens since the past week. At that time, there was a mother and child who were 6 years old when they went around last week in a resident's garden in Indragiri Hilir Regency," he said in a written statement, Thursday, July 20, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said that after a week of monitoring, only one orangutan was seen. The orangutan is female and the young age is thought to have been left by its mother in a resident's garden.

Based on observations, the location of the orangutan children found was in a garden close to the Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park in Indragiri Hilir Regency.

"The location of the orangutan child was found bordering Riau and Jambi Province. The parent was gone yesterday, only the child left," he said.

Next, the officer took action by evacuating the orangutan child because it looked very weak and needed the medical team to handle it.

Furthermore, together with the ranks of the TNI, Polri and Frankfrurt Zoolological Society (FZS) the protected animals were taken to a captivity location by the team to undergo treatment and be fed.

"While being taken to captivity first, being treated and given health services by the team and after recovering, of course, they will soon be released into Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park, in Inhil Regency," he said.