Indonesian Advocate Congress Deactivates Denny Indrayana In The Aftermath Of Rumors Of A Closed Election System Leak

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Advocates Congress (KAI) decided to temporarily suspend the Vice President of KAI for the 2019-2024 Service Period Denny Indrayana after receiving a complaint from the Constitutional Court (MK) for alleged violations of advocate ethics.

The complaint for alleged violations of advocate ethics is related to rumors of the Constitutional Court's decision which at that time tested an open proportional general election system (election).

"KAI has taken a stand and decided to temporarily suspend the person concerned," said President of the Central Leadership Council of the Indonesian Advocates Congress Tjoetjoe Sandjaja Hernanto as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, July 20.

The temporary deactivation aims to ensure that the complaint examination process for the alleged violation of the Code of Ethics takes place free from conflicts of interest, independence, fair, honest, and objective.

KAI stated that the deactivation had obtained Denny Indrayana's approval.

On the other hand, in his tweet via the Twitter account @dennyindrayana, Denny said that KAI's decision to deactivate him was correct.

"In my opinion, it was the right decision, and it was the one who asked for the inactive proposal to come from me himself," said Denny in his tweet.

Based on previous reports, there was an issue regarding the leak of the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the electoral system.

The issue surfaced due to a tweet by former Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) Denny Indrayana who claimed to have received information about the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the legislative election system that would return to a closed proportional system or party voting.

After reading the verdict stating that the electoral system remains proportional open, Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Saldi Isra said the constitutional panel of judges at the Hakim Consultative Meeting (RPH) took a stand to report Denny Indrayana to the advocate organization.

"We at the Hakim Consultative Meeting have taken a joint stance that we, the Constitutional Court, so that this can be a lesson for all of us, will report Denny Indrayana to the advocate organization Denny Indrayana is in," said Saldi Isra in a press conference after reading the verdict at the Constitutional Court Building, Jakarta, Thursday (15/6).

He said Denny Indrayana's tweet about the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the general election system (election) had harmed the Constitutional Court institutionally.

"That opinion is detrimental to us institutionally, as if we discussed it and it leaked outside," said Saldi Isra.