Recklessly Bringing Sickles On The Road, Youth In Bogor Shot By Police
A young man with the initials MKH (18) was forced to be shot by the police on his feet for resisting when he was about to be questioned on Jalan Jalak Harupat, Babakan Village, Central Bogor District, Bogor City.
The young man had to be paralyzed because apart from being dangerous, he was also caught carrying a sharp weapon (sajam) type sickle.
Bogor City Police Chief Kombes Bismo Teguh Prakoso said that at the time of the incident, the police were in charge of carrying out traffic regulations around Jalan Jalak Harupat.
Where, at that time officers found MHK riding a motorbike from the direction of the Kujang Monument. MKH at that time did not wear a helmet with his colleague, so the police tried to stop him.
Instead of stopping, MKH even rushed the exhaust. The officer immediately forcibly pulled out his colleague PRB's clothes which eventually made MKH lose its balance, and fell because it grazed another driver.
"This morning we secured it on Jalan Jalak Harupat. The young man from the direction of Tugu Kujang to Amaris did not wear a helmet and then gased his motorbike and was reminded that the officers wanted to be hit so that it endangered other drivers," explained Kombes Bismo in his statement, Thursday, July 20.
Worried that the action would further endanger other drivers, especially the young man carrying a sickle when checking his bag, the officer finally shot MKH in the right leg.
"So we arrested us and took firm and measured action because it had endangered the officers and after checking there was a barbuk sajam in his bag," he said.
For his actions, the young man was suspected of Article 2 paragraph (1) of the Indonesian Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951, and was threatened with 10 years in prison.
"Anyone with violence against an official who is carrying out his legitimate duties as referred to in Article 212 of the Criminal Code carries a maximum imprisonment of 1 year and four months," he explained.
In the future, Kombes Pol Bismo said that his party would continue to intensify routine patrols in Bogor City.