Jakarta Tabletop Expo Becomes A Forum For Developing The Tabletop Games Industry

Know Utut Adianto, Smart Barus or Susanto Megaranto? Famous as a part of Indonesia's mainstay grandmaster who often wins chess competitions at the regional and international levels. In addition to chess competitions, examples of game tabletop competitions that are also widely known are mahojong and domino.

In order to increase the vibrant and number of tabletop athletes in Indonesia, Jakarta Tabletop Expo (JTE) as a forum seeks to create and build a forum to develop the tabletop game industry in collaboration with various stakeholders, from communities, business actors, government to academics.

Previously, JTE 2022 succeeded in bringing together more than 1,000 players, 37 communities, 8 local creators, publicists, and tabletop game distributors in Indonesia to play together with 200 collections of games. In addition to playing together, JTE 2022 has also successfully organized a National Tournament splendor with participants from various regions in Indonesia.

Towards the peak of the Jakarta Tabletop Expo 2023 event which will be held on November 13-19 2023 at Taman Anggrek Mall, there are several series of JTE 2023 events, namely JTE T-sport League (JTL) and JTE Goes to School.

The two series of events collaborated with a bachelor's degree in Branding at Prasetiya Mulya University as a concrete form of educational institutions supporting the development of the Indonesian boarding game industry.

At the end of last week, Saturday, July 15, Jakarta Tabletop Expo (JTE) successfully held a JTL Kick-Off at the Khafei Cafe, West Jakarta This competition brought together participants in the Splitdor game competition and Cascadia game competition. This Kick-Off event is the beginning of a series of JTL events which will be held through collaboration with game stores or cafes in several cities in Indonesia.

Another program that is the result of collaboration with S1 Branding students at Prasetiya Mulya University is JTE Goes to School, which is a series of events where JTE will be present at schools in the Jakarta area to introduce tabletop games to students.

Through this event, JTE hopes to instill the seeds of T-sport athletes in the younger generation of Indonesia who will be able to bring Indonesia's name to the international arena through its achievements in the field of tabletop sports.