
Tesla Cybertruck Tempuh Distance Is Not As Far As Promised

JAKARTA - Finally, after a long wait, Tesla announced the production of the first model from Cybertruck at its plant in Austin, Texas, USA.

The process has been delayed for two years since its introduction in 2019 due to problems with protective glass.

Several Tesla workers were seen showing off the Cybertruck at the Gigafactory, Texas, after officially starting production a week ago.

However, it should be noted that the Tesla Cybertruck will be available in limited quantities on the market, with mass production only starting at the end of 2023.

Tesla Cybertruck attracts attention from various parties in its unusual form. But the other is about the battery used and the distance to travel in one charge.

Berdasarkan postingan akun Twitter Bearded Tesla, Cybertruck dilengkapi dengan paket baterai yang mampu menempuh jarak hingga 350 mil (563 km) dalam sekali pengisaan, seperti dikutip dari InsideEVs, Senin, 17 Juli.

This figure turns out to be lower than Tesla's previous claims in 2019 to reach 620 miles (nearly 1,000 km) and this latest figure also lost to some competitors such as Chevrolet Silverado EV with a distance of 724 km.

Tesla can still be proud because the distance from the Cybertruck is likely to exceed competitors such as the Ford F-150 Lightning which reaches 515 km.