Police Arrested The Thief Specialist In Kos House In Solo
SOLO - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Surakarta City Police revealed a case of special theft of boarding houses in a sub-district area in Jebres Solo District, Central Java, which had disturbed its residents.
"The police arrested two perpetrators, namely the initials A (22) and D alias K (25), both residents of Semanggi Pasar Kliwon Surakarta City, who are currently being held at the Surakara Police Headquarters for the examination process," said Surakarta Police Chief Kombes Iwan Saktiadi as reported by ANTARA, Friday, July 14.
Pelaku A diamankan polisi di tempat kos di Desa Telukan Sukoharjo, Selasa (11/7). Sedangkan pelaku D alias K diamankan, di rumahnya Semanggi Solo, Rabu (12/7),
Meanwhile, a barrier with the initials A alias P (23), was arrested in Ngawi, East Java, Thursday (13/7). The three of them are now being held at the Surakarta Police Headquarters for examination.
The case of the theft of the boarding house is troubling for students because they often lose laptops, cellphones, cameras, and other valuables. The two perpetrators were revealed after committing theft at the Wisma Finuris boarding house on Jalan Ngoresan RT 02/RW.22, Jebres Village, Jebres District, Surakarta City.
The two perpetrators, apart from committing theft at Wisma Finuris Jalan Ngoresan, also committed theft in five other locations.
"Perpetrator A is a recidivist who was previously detained in 2021 in Sukoharjo in a bicycle theft case," said the Police Chief.
The perpetrator was charged with Article 363 paragraph 1 of the 4e Criminal Code, concerning theft, with a maximum imprisonment of seven years. Meanwhile, a perpetrator as a collector will be subject to Article 480 of the Criminal Code with a maximum sentence of four years.