Gerindra Politician Dedi Mulyadi Helps Teacher Victims Of Hard Water Water Water Watering Rejected By BPJS

The Gerindra Party politician Dedi Mulyadi encouraged a teacher in Karawang Regency, West Java, who was a victim of drinking hard water but ran out of charge for treatment because his BPJS card was rejected by the hospital. "If this case is true, hopefully the perpetrator can be caught and processed by the police," said Dedi, via a telephone line in Karawang, Saturday. A teacher in Karawang who became a victim of hard water water water that was allegedly carried out by his business colleague named Eli Chuherli, a resident of Sukaluyu Village, Telukjambe District, Karawang. Dedi visited the teacher at his house, to encourage and at the same time look for a solution to the problem he experienced.," he said. Because he felt bad, Eli asked Ade to resign from the company. At that time Ade agreed to resign as a director who was registered by the notary. After some time after resigning, Ade suddenly came to Eli's house. Eli, who did not feel suspicious because his relationship with Ade, was still considered to be kind of inviting him to enter the house. "When I wanted to sit suddenly he used hard water. The water was hot and he immediately ran away," he said.

Setelah disiram air keras, penglihatan guru SMKN 2 Karawang itu mulai kabur. Semakin lama penglihatannya terus menurun dan kini kedua matanya tak berfungsi.“Waktu itu, saya berobat ke rumah sakit, tapi ternyata tidak bisa pakai BPJS ,karena katanya saya korban penganiayaan. Katanya bisa pakai BPJS tapi harus lapor dulu ke LPSK,” kata dia.Eli yang merasa proses tersebut memakan waktu akhirnya memilih untuk mengobati matanya sendiri. Namun karena panjangnya proses pengobatan, Eli kini kehabisan uang dan hanya bisa pasrah dengan kondisi kedua matanya.Menurut keterangan dokter, kata Eli, kornea kedua matanya sudah pecah sehingga harus dioperasi di RS Mata Cicendo. Namun hal itu urung dilakukan karena ia sudah kehabisan biaya.Sementara Dedi saat berkunjunglah menyemangati Eli, dan segera memberi bantuan berupa pengobatan mandiri ke RS Mata Cicendo. Pada hari itu juga Dedi meminta stafnya untuk membawa Eli menggunakan ambulans ke RS Mata Cicendo Bandung.“Bapak ke RS Cicendo nanti daftar umum saja dulu, saya nanti dibantu. Ini harus langsung ditangani oleh dokter. Nanti saya siapkan segala biaya bapak berobat ke Cicendo. Pokoknya bapak sehat, terus semangat pak guru,” kata Dedi.