Minister Of PAN-RB Asks ASN To Cut Bureaucratics Convoluted

JAKARTA - Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Abdullah Azwar Anas asked state civil servants (ASN), especially ASN in Tabanan, Bali to cut long and complicated bureaucracy.
According to Anas, cutting the bureaucracy that is long and complicated can make people feel the impact faster than public services presented by the government.
"This is the task of the Regent (Regent of Tabanan I Komang Gede Sanjaya), to see how long each service is provided by ASN so that our bureaucracy becomes simpler and the impact is immediately felt by the community," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 7.
In addition to cutting the long and complicated bureaucracy, Anas also conveyed two other steps that can be taken by ASN and local governments in ensuring that people immediately feel the impact of the existing bureaucracy.
First, he said, local governments must carry out digital transformation. However, Anas emphasized that digital transformation does not mean that local governments create new applications, but integrates existing applications into one public service portal.
Second, Anas said local governments need to side with the community, such as when making policies. In making policies, he said, local governments must ensure that the policy is community-oriented.
Meanwhile, Tabanan Regent I Komang Gede Sanjaya expressed his commitment to fix the bureaucracy under his leadership. He then appreciated Anas' comprehensive direction to ASN, especially Tabanan ASN.
"Hopefully the presence of PAN-RB Minister Azwar Anas here will be an encouragement for us Tabanan ASN ranks to show the public that the current bureaucracy is so easy to be effective and efficient," he said.