Strengthen Maritime Security, Bakamla RI And Korea Coast Guard Hold Second Bilateral Meeting In Incheon

JAKARTA - Continuing good relations and cooperation that has been established since 2018, and continuing the success of the first bilateral meeting in 2019, Bakamla RI again held the 2nd Bilateral Meeting, in Incheon, South Korea, Monday, July 3.

The meeting, which was attended by the top leadership of the two agencies, discussed the cooperation program carried out this year and in the years to come. Head of Bakamla RI Admiral TNI Dr. Aan Kurnia with Commissioner General Korea Coast Guard (KCG) Kim Jong Uk agreed to continue to collaborate in the realm of maritime security and safety in the region.

The cooperation programs discussed include activities to increase personnel capacity, exchange of information, and continue to hold regular meetings to discuss actual conditions in the waters of each country. Not only that, but the two agencies are also trying to continue to build positive and active communication, through involvement in maritime activities that take place in each country.

It is hoped that this cooperation can continue to strengthen, along with the strengthening of security in the Malacca Strait area which connects transportation routes between East Asia, India, the Middle East and Africa.

Bakamla RI and KCG agreed that sea security in the area cannot be done alone, but strong and sustainable collaboration between friendly state agencies is needed.