SIMBARA Becomes The Mainstay Of The Ministry Of Finance Integrating The Acceptance Of The Minerba Sector

JAKARTA Three innovations from the Ministry of Finance managed to enter as the Top Innovation finalists at the 2023 Public Service Innovation Competition (KIPP) organized by the Ministry of PANRB. Meanwhile, one of them is the Mineral Information System and Coal between the Ministry of Institutions (SIMBARA) application from the Directorate General of Budget.

Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara in his presentation at the 2023 Public Service Innovation Competition (KIPP) said that SIMBARA is the first system to integrate business processes, systems, and mineral and coal data comprehensively from upstream to downstream.

"SIMBARA is an integration platform that we build so that mineral and coal business actors are easier to work. The trick is for all business actors to input data through one single entry data only," he said online on Tuesday, June 27.

Sri Mulyani's representative revealed that in the past, mineral and coal business actors had to do a lot of registration or input mechanisms in various different applications because the regulators were different.

This can be made easier by only doing one input through the SIMBARA application because this application is an ecosystem that integrates the management of mineral and coal from upstream to downstream, starting from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MVP, MOMS, MODI and ePNBP), the Ministry of Finance (Simponi, INSW, Ceisa), the Ministry of Trade (Inatrade), the Ministry of Transportation (Inaportnet), and Bank Indonesia (SIMODIS).

"So if in the past he inputted himself, this is now inputting to one place so that we can replace physical documents with electronic documents and finally if friends in the bureaucracy carry out surveillance, then supervision can be easier because the single source of truth is in the SIMBARA application," he said.

Suahasil explained, SIMBARA's uniqueness is to realize five pillars of Indonesia's natural resource management, namely the eviction of the flow of documents, goods, money, transportation, and entities/people in real time.

"This SIMBARA is an app, we put it in the Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) system where the INSW has Mr. panelis stated it is also an innovation in 2020. So we connect this so that we say SIMBARA is not a completely separate system but an application that we create and integrate with the existing system in INSW," he said.

Meanwhile, SIMBARA has a very high level of adaptability in other sectors and has now become a prototype of the upstream and downstream system integration in the management of natural resources in the forestry and fishery sectors.

SIMBARA can also be replicated by other ministries/agencies from its idea to integrate management from upstream to downstream for commodity/public service management, especially public commodities/services whose management involves more than one agency.