Love Colored With Laughter, Here Are The Benefits For Long-Term Relationships
YOGYAKARTA Laughing with your partner certainly marks a fun relationship. Including coloring romantic sex moments with laughter, it turns out to be a satisfying sexual experience, explained psychologist Stanislava Pua Putra Jovanovi.
Sexual experience, may depend on many factors. For example with whom and when to have sex. In addition, mood, gentleness, romance, excitement, also affect the level of satisfaction a lot. Some people may be shy or quiet. There are also those who are more aggressive or brave and dominant. To get the satisfaction of both people who are committed to requiring agreement and emotional ties. Well, laughter can be something that brings a person together with their partner when making love.
Laughter accompanies every moment of romance with a partner. Starting from the first time I met him to the end of an argument that was covered with laughter. Laugh when making love, according to research reported by Happiness, Monday, June 26, marking the couple sending messages to each other that this is a game' in uncertain situations. With this uncertainty, laughter brings us closer to the couple.
Your partner will laugh a lot when joking or happy together. Therefore, laughter during sex can be seen as a continuation of the feelings of joy you have with your partner. Also, it may mean that you are in a good relationship with yourself.
A study reveals that fine people are naturally laughing at themselves. It may also mark that they are enjoying a better relationship. The ability to laugh at yourself and share laughter with your partner can actually increase your sexual satisfaction.
The mechanism of laughing at yourself is associated with making fun of yourself tends to be done by someone who is confident and feels better afterward or before. So, laughing when having sex basically means you are more relaxed in relationships and confident.
Sometimes, someone wants to look elegant, confident, and captivating. But it can't rule out the possibility of going through things that are considered mistakes. Like being wrapped when trying to take off tight clothes, falling from bed, defecating, or trying a pose that you never experienced. The whole experience will not be an embarrassing event when you can laugh at those embarrassing moments.
It's important to note, when the body is filled with oxytocin during sexual intercourse, it's natural that you and your partner laugh together. It's a continuation of the fun and joy of romance together.