5 Causes Why Longing Cough Doesn't Heal

YOGYAKARTA Prolonged cough can mark many things. Starting from respiratory problems, it can also be related to digestion. For that, you need to immediately identify how long you have been coughing and the symptoms that follow. After knowing, it is also important to immediately consult a doctor to get the right diagnosis and treatment. Below, it is explained a number of causes of prolonged cough do not go away.

According to the explanation of the lung care doctor and the critical care of the Faculty of Medicine Johns Hopkins, Panagisgetsatos, MD., what happens to the nose can mark your environmental condition. For example, every time you are exposed to allergens, dust mites, powders, breathing will experience certain disorders. Posnasal drip, also known as respiratory cough syndrome. This is the most common cause of prolonged cough never recovering.

Drip postnasals are experienced when viruses, allergies, dust, chemicals irritate the nasal membrane. They trigger mucus to drip out your nose and throat. Then cough especially while lying down. Because while lying down, the air channel around the sound band is hampered and causes coughs.

When you have asthma, launch WebMD, Sunday, June 25, the muscles around the air channel are tense. The air channel layer swells and the cells in the airway produce thick mucus. Cough asthma is the way the body tries to put air into the area. Asthma can be triggered by infections, weather, allergies, tobacco smoke, medicines, and even because exercise is too heavy and emotional conditions.

Respiratory tract infections or called coughing are caused by undetected things. Usually immunizations in children can heal you. But endurance will decrease with age and cause cough rejan. The CDC recommends that all 19-year-old adults should get a pertussian booster to support immunity and prevent rejanting coughs.

When you have a reflux gastroesofagal disease or known as GERD, the weak muscles around the lower concavity and allow stomach acid to flow down the concavity. Coughs due to GERD are not only experienced during curvature, but can mark acid smoke in the stomach so strong that when inhale irritates the lungs. Mulas and chest pain are common symptoms of GERD, although you may not have any symptoms other than coughing.

This disease, COPD, includes a group of diseases including chronic emphysemas and bronchitis that make it difficult for air to enter and come out of the lungs. In most cases, your body makes too much mucus and coughs to remove it. Other symptoms include shortness of breath. Over time, COPD can deteriorate and be life-threatening.

Experts recommend that if a prolonged cough is more than 3-4 weeks, it is important to immediately contact and consult a specialist. This must be done in order to be examined, diagnosed properly, and get the best treatment.