Emperor Of Japan Is Treated With Wayang Kulit Until Eating Night With Sultan HB X At The Yogyakarta Palace
YOGYAKARTA - King of the Yogyakarta Palace Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X received a visit from Japanese Emperor Hironomiya Naruhito at the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace.
When entering the Srimangan Set complex, Khaisar Naruhito was greeted by dozens of Bregada Wirabraja Soldiers who wore full uniform soldiers accompanied by weapons, flags, and musical instruments lined up from north to south of the area.
Wearing takwa clothing equipped with a kanigara nickname with a machete, Sri Sultan HB X and the Queen of GKR Hemas greeted the 126th Emperor of Japan in Regol Danaprapa.
"Of course, this continues to establish a friendship from his parents (Kaisar Jepang) to the next generation so that the relationship will be better in the future," said Putri Sulung Sultan HB X, GKR Mangkubumi as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 21.
This Japanese Emperor's visit was the first to be carried out since being crowned on May 1, 2019.
According to him, Emperor Naruhito's father, Emperor Akihito, visited the Yogyakarta Palace in 1991.
After welcoming him, Sultan HB X and GKR Hemas then invited Naruhito to witness the object of the palace's collection on the north side of the Kagungan Dalem Bangsal Kencana tratag.
A number of collections of Yogyakarta Palaces exhibited to Naruhito include machete motif batik damaged barong, batik kawung motifs, batik primordial motifs, batik Sidaluhur motifs, keris heirlooms, and manuscripts.
"He is very happy because this continues his visit from his parents who have previously been here," said Mangkubumi who is also Penghageng Kawedanan Hageng Punakawan (KHP) Datu Dana Suyasa Keraton Yogyakarta.
The Japanese Emperor was also treated to a shadow puppet performance presented by Kawedanan Kridhamardawa and the Lawung Jajar Bekanan Dance at the Bangsal Kencana Tratag.
"The creation of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I is one of the oldest dances owned by the Yogyakarta Palace," said Penghageng Kawedanan Kridhamardawa KPH Notonegoro.
Before ending the visit at the Ngayogyakarta Palace, the Japanese Emperor sat at night at the Sweet Ward together with Sri Sultan HB X and his family.
A number of menus served include Jambu setup, galantin chicken soup, lime chicken satai, honey-burned shrimp, and cake ice.