Throughout 2023, The Directorate General Of Immigration Tunda Departure 10 Thousand Indonesian Citizens To Prevent TIP

The Directorate General (Ditjen) of Immigration has postponed the departure of 10,138 Indonesian citizens (WNI) throughout 2023 because it is suspected that they will work abroad without valid documents, as a form of commitment to preventing criminal acts of trafficking in persons (TPPO).

This amount includes delays at Immigration Checkpoints (TPI) throughout Indonesia, be it international airports, inter-state ports, or cross-border posts.

"What the employers promised did not match the reality. Arriving at the passport location, they were employed not in accordance with the initial recruitment, were not paid their salaries, and so on," said Director General of Immigration Silmy Karim as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 14.

He said migrant workers are the most vulnerable profession to being the object of human trafficking. Silmy explained that illegal migrant workers made their bargaining positions weak, and accepted cruel treatment.

Silmy emphasized that TIP is a transnational crime whose handling requires cross-agency cooperation, not just Immigration.

During the departure process at TPI, Immigration officers referred to the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 44 of 2015 concerning Procedures for Inspection and Exit of Indonesian Territory.

As a form of immigration supervision, officers at TPI examine every Indonesian citizen who is going outside Indonesia. Those who will travel or social visits can be dispatched if there are no problems with immigration documents and are not included in the prevention list.

Meanwhile, Indonesian citizens who do not meet the requirements, especially those who will work, will have their departure postponed until the requirements are complete.

The rise of TIP shows the importance of education to the public. The Immigration Office should be able to provide an understanding of the dangers of TIP and explain the possible picture if someone is trapped in a TIP.

In addition to education, the role of Immigration is also vital in preventing TIP from upstream, especially in the process of issuing passports. Immigration will seek a mechanism so that checking passport application requirements to related agencies can be faster, easier, and accurate to reduce falsification of passport requirements documents.

In addition, each applicant must include a guarantor or party who guarantees that the information he provides is correct.

"We certainly have a high spirit, together with relevant agencies to support the eradication of TIP because it is very contrary to human rights," said Silmy.