1,785 People In West Kalimantan Infected With Rabies, Health Office Asks City Regency To Form Rabies Center

The West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) Provincial Health Office (Dinkes) asked district or city governments to immediately form Rabies Center to suppress the high number of rabies animal bites. Formation, especially in Sintang and Landak Regencies.

"To suppress the high number of rabies cases in West Kalimantan, we suggest that districts/cities form and activate the Rabies Center to provide education to the public as well as become the center for handling rabies cases," said Erna in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Wednesday, June 14, as reported by Antara.

Based on the latest data from the West Kalimantan Plantation and Livestock Service, as many as 214,462 animals were declared rabies infectious.

Meanwhile, 1,785 people were infected with rabies due to a contagious animal bite. Followed by cases of death due to rabies 11 people, including 8 people in Sintang Regency and 3 people in Landak Regency.

To suppress the rate of rabies dog bites in West Kalimantan, Erna said that her party had coordinated with the Ministry of Health and prepared VAR Rabies to then spread them to districts/cities in need.

"If there are areas that need VAR, please just submit it and we will immediately distribute it. Currently, we still have 8000 VAR vials that are ready to be distributed to districts/cities," he said.