Megawati Asks BRIN To Take Advantage Of Right Target

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Steering Committee of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Megawati Soekarnoputri asked BRIN to take advantage of a large budget on target.

"I'm just saying don't be tempted because it's not a big spin. I can't imagine if my thoughts become different. For example, what is BRIN used for," Megawati said at the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) BRIN and TVRI at the TVRI building, Central Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 12.

Instead of using the budget for research and innovation needs, he said, BRIN did not continue the legacy of Soekarno's first President's development in the research field, namely the TRIGA Research Reactor Mark II.

The TRIGA Mark II is the first research reactor in Indonesia in Bandung, West Java.

"I myself was re-introduced, although I know a lot that Bung Karno alone has thought for us to have a nuclear reactor, I really remember that in Bandung his name was Triga," said Megawati.

According to Megawati, it is not too late for BRIN to develop research on nuclear matter by utilizing the Triga 2000. In fact, the Fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia said that Indonesia could catch up with countries that were first developing nuclear, such as North Korea (North Korea).

"So actually if we can develop it again, I don't think it's too late. We can catch up with those who already have it," said Megawati.

Megawati said that nuclear development in North Korea was the result of people's dedication to her country. He then questioned why Indonesia and existing human resources (HR) did not do the same as North Korea.

"I often think, why a country that is still, such as North Korea, can even have a nuclear, which means why? (because of the quality) of its human beings," he said.

Megawati assessed that research development, including the issue of nuclear reactors, does not only depend on the budget. According to her, this development must be born from the wishes of Indonesian children, including BRIN.

He gave an example of the construction of the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Main Stadium, Jakarta. At that time technology was not as sophisticated as it is now.

However, he explained, the stadium was successfully built by the nation's children and became the pride of Indonesia.

"Of course remember this there is GBK, which at that time was not much technology around the ring. So we can already. That is also assisted by our own children so that they can build it," he explained.

Therefore, Megawati said that Indonesia could develop innovation and research in the nuclear reactor sector if there was a desire to build it.

The reason, he said, innovation and research can be developed without dealing with the budget alone. The most important thing is that there is careful planning.

"Then where did the money come from? It's just like that. It's not the money from where it used to be, then make a plan," he concluded.