Here's How To Schedule Tweets On Twitter Via Desktop

JAKARTA - Sometimes, you may feel that you need more opinions from others than just opinions from those closest to you. Usually, to get more responses, Twitter is the right choice.
By posting a tweet or image and video on Twitter, it's a great way to express your opinion, join discussions, and in general connect with other users.
But what if you want to save a tweet for another time? You can schedule your tweet on Twitter to be published in the future, even if you're not online at the time.
Schedule your tweets you can easily do via an easy Twitter website, by doing the following steps:
In addition, you can also click Scheduled Tweets to check all the tweets you have scheduled for publication in the future.
Keep in mind that you won't be able to do this on mobile apps, but you can use third-party free social media management apps to do so.
You can also edit scheduled tweets by clicking one of them to return them to the composer. To delete one of your scheduled tweets, simply click Edit in the upper right corner to open the switch box next to the tweet, which you can choose from, then click Delete to delete it.