East Kalimantan Police Asked To Completely Investigate CPO Mafia Network

The East Kalimantan (Kaltim) Regional Police were asked to thoroughly investigate the case of theft and embezzlement of Crude Palm Oil (CPO). This is because it is suspected that there is still a network or parties involved behind it.

Originally, the East Kalimantan Police had uncovered a case of theft of 151 tons of CPO on the Java I Eagle Ship in Balikpapan waters some time ago. In fact, it has secured Haji Laba, who is suspected of being a financier.

"The case of CPO theft with a modus operandi like this is allegedly not the first time this has happened, this indicates that there is a syndicate network in it," said a researcher at the Center for Legal and Economic Studies (PSHE), Guntur Prayoga, in a written statement, Friday, June 9.

According to him, the theft of CPO is not an ordinary crime. The value of goods to the mode and equipment used indicates the involvement of many parties.

"It is reasonable to suspect that this case is an organized crime or in popular terms it is often called the mafia," he said.

In addition, all countries including Indonesia are currently aggressively eradicating organized crime. Moreover, the CPO case is undeniable to cause disruption to economic and social stability.

"CPO is a strategic commodity. Crimes like this will affect the cooking oil business climate, it is natural for people to think that this case can disrupt the production chain and stability of cooking oil prices," he said.

Therefore, the East Kalimantan Police are advised to continue to try to dismantle the Cs Profit Hajj syndicate network, including where the stolen goods were sold and the possibility of a similar act before.

"The East Kalimantan Police Chief must pay attention to this case. Investigate the CPO mafia," said Guntur.

Previously, the East Kalimantan Regional Police revealed the role of Haji Laba behind the theft of 151 tons of CPO from the Java I Eagle Ship in Balikpapan. He is suspected of funding to provide facilities such as ships.

"He (Haji Laba, ed) funded the perpetrator as well as provided equipment and facilities such as ships and everything. So it has a Profit Hajj," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Gakkum Ditpolairud Polda Kaltim Kompol Adik Listiyono.

In addition, in this theft case, five suspects have been named, namely four crew members, namely A, FA, IK, VJ and AW, a collector. They are suspected of embezzling CPO from the Javanese Eagle Ship belonging to the shipping company PT Mulia Borneo Mandiri.