Buddhists Hold World Peace Prayers In Borobudur

MAGELANG - Hundreds of Buddhists from the assembly of Nyingma people, Sangha Tantrayana held a prayer for peace for Indonesia and the world during Nyingma Monlam's activity at Taman Aksobya, the Borobudur Temple complex in Magelang Regency, Central Java.

Reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 31, the Chairperson of the Committee for the Nyingma Monlam Lama Rama Santoso Liem conveyed that the Sangha monks and Buddhists from various countries participated in the first Nyingma Monlam procession in Indonesia.

He said this activity was a series of commemorations of the 2567 BE/2023 Vesak holiday which aims to offer a prayer together for peace, harmony, harmony, happiness in Indonesia and around the world.

He explained that Nyingma Monlam, which was the first activity, was initiated by His Majesty, Sanlin Tuku Rinpoche and invited the professor, a prince from the Buthan Kingdom, Hh Kathok Situ Rinpochie.

The prayers offered are aspiration prayers followed by 500 people who are divided into several sessions. They are from 12 countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Tibet, India, America, and Buthan.

"Monlam is in the holy book Tantra which contains the teachings of Buddhist Gautama which was taught again by Buddhist Phetma Sambawa," he explained.

Prince of the Kingdom of Buthan Hh Kathok Situ Rinpochie said he was happy to participate in this activity. He was honored to pray with the people in the courtyard of Borobudur Temple in the series of Waisak celebrations.

"It is fortunate and an honor for me to have been invited by the committee and organizers, especially the Indonesian government, which facilitates prayer activities for world peace," said Kataok Situ Rinpochie.

He said, this momentum is a great blessing for him because he can visit Borobudur Temple and Indonesia which is very beautiful and full of hospitality for its citizens.

"Allow us to pray that the Republic of Indonesia and also in general world peace," said Kathaok Situ Rinpochie.

A number of monks and people read holy silk and perform the offering of aroma puja.