KPK Records 371 Entrepreneurs Entangled In Corruption Cases Until May 2023
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) until May 2023 recorded that it had taken action against 1,515 perpetrators of corruption, and as many as 371 of them were businessmen.
Director of Community Participation Development of the KPK Kumbul Kusdwijanto Sudjadi sees the need for collective awareness in the community about the dangers of corruption. Because if the business world is used as a field of corruption, the results or quality of the services obtained will not be maximized. In the end, again, and again, the community as recipients of the service will become victims.
"KPK is committed to encouraging business actors and associations not to be involved in corrupt practices for business actors with the aim of encouraging anti-corruption commitments in the business world sector through multi-sectoral collaboration," said Kumbul in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Saturday, May 27.
On the other hand, along with the increasing number of perpetrators of corruption, business actors indicate that the action approach that has been carried out so far needs to be accompanied by an approach to education and prevention.
The last two approaches, according to Kumbul, are expected to be able to provide awareness to business actors to run their businesses by upholding integrity.
Kumbul explained that the modus operandi most often carried out by the perpetrators was bribery and gratification to state officials.
This can happen because of the wishes of business actors, so that they can be won in the tender they participate in in the context of procurement of goods and services.
"They (perpetrators) want to monopolize projects in an area and want to get priority without following applicable regulatory procedures such as licensing management," said Kumbul.
Meanwhile, Chairman of MAPPI Dewi Smragdina hopes that through this technical guidance, all participants can get an understanding of the general principles of the business world that are applicable and in accordance with the laws and regulations. This includes understanding of corruption prevention which is assessed by state losses, implementation of anti-corruption and the risk of not being criminal to participants who work as appraisers.
Similarly, Acting Head of the Center for Financial Profession Development (PPPK) of the Ministry of Finance Muhammad Sigit appreciated the presence of the KPK as a partner. This collaboration is expected to create synergies, provide an understanding of anti-corruption so that it can help in making correct conclusions regarding the results of the assessment.