Danjen Kopassus Sowan To Prabowo's Office Asks For Strengthening Units

JAKARTA - Commander General (Danjen) of the Army's Special Forces Command (Kopassus) Major General TNI Deddy Suryadi told the Ministry of Defense office to stay in touch. Danjen Kopassus also asked for directions from Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, who also served as the head of Kopassus.

Deddy said that Prabowo, who served as Danjen Kopassus from December 1995 to March 1998, had inspired his successors, especially in ensuring that Kopassus soldiers were always disciplined and mentally steel.

"I feel how he practiced, was educated and measured. That was what made an impression in my memory, how he wanted a commando soldier to have a mental steel, disciplined, never give up," said Danjen Kopassus as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 17.

According to Deddy, many of Prabowo's directives still make an impression on him, so that the only official Kopassus Danjen, who took office last month, took advantage of the meeting to ask for input from Prabowo regarding strengthening the unit.

"How can I go forward, maybe there are suggestions and input, especially as Minister of Defense, for Kopassus to continue to exist and be proud in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," said Deddy to Prabowo.

During the meeting, Danjen Kopassus also invited Prabowo to come to the Kopassus Headquarters and give direct directions to the soldiers.

Prabowo agreed to the request.

"Yes, ready. Later I will come, but I have to bring something," said the Defense Minister.

Deddy's visit to Prabowo was the first after he officially served as Danjen Kopassus on April 28, 2023.

In the handover ceremony at the Kopassus Headquarters, Cijantung, Jakarta, last month (28/4), Deddy said he focused on preparing soldiers for operational tasks, including in conflict-prone areas.

"The point is here, we are preparing the soldiers how they train, and continue to train to be assigned wherever assigned to be orders from the highest leadership," said Danjen Kopassus Major General Deddy after the handover ceremony.

The 36th Danjen Kopassus also promised to improve the individual soldiers' abilities.

"I will focus on improving the ability of Kopassus soldiers individually, both those who have specialties, skills, and abilities," said Major General Deddy.