43rd Dekranas Anniversary In Medan, Encourages Craftsmen To Work Through New Entrepreneur Training

MEDAN - First Lady Iriana Jokowi as well as the supervisor of the National Crafts Council (Dekranas) attended the peak of the celebration of the 43rd Anniversary of Dekranas in Medan City, North Sumatra. The peak event was filled with a thanksgiving ceremony at the Santika Premiere Dyandra Hotel and exhibitions of various regional superior products brought by the Regional National Crafts Council (Dekranasda) throughout Indonesia in Benteng Field, Medan.

This event is the culmination of various series of activities for the Dekranas Anniversary, which is commemorated every year on March 3. The series of activities that have been held by the Dekranas include cutting the cone at the Dekranas Rumah Kriya Asri office, training and workshops for craftsmen, to low-cost social services and bazaars for the community around the Kriya Asri House.

Chairman of Dekranas Hj. Wury Ma'ruf Amin in his speech expressed his gratitude and hope for Dekranas. 43 years old is a long journey that Dekranas has gone through in lifting the potential of national crafts. There have been many efforts by Dekranas to realize his vision as a reliable institution in supporting Indonesia's economic independence since his first establishment on March 3, 1980," explained Wury.

The 43rd Anniversary of the Dekranas carries the theme New Entrepreneurs Created, Craftsmen! which includes enthusiasm for craftsmen in Indonesia. Entering the 43rd anniversary, Dekranas is present with Dekranasda as a forum that continues to provide support by creating a creative entrepreneurial ecosystem for successful Indonesian craftsmen. Dekranas continues to be dedicated in gathering Indonesian art lovers and enthusiasts to always protect and develop handicraft products.

"We should continue to be grateful that Dekranas has entered its 43rd age. We hope that at an increasing age, Dekranas will be more productive, with greater role and dedication to craftsmen, society and the Indonesian nation and state," added Wury.

Dekranas also gave his appreciation to the Dekranasda of North Sumatra Province and the Medan City Dekranasda, who were willing to host the 43rd Anniversary of Dekranas. At this thanksgiving, the results of Nusantara crafts and cultural arts performances were displayed through a work entitled Getaran Karya Rasa.

The process of commemorating Dekranas' Birthday was marked by the cutting of the cone by the First Lady. After that, it was followed by a Vibration of Rasa Work as the breath of Indonesian craftsmen, which was reflected in a work of art supported by approximately 120 artists, "explained the Chairperson of the 43rd Dekranas Anniversary Commemoration Committee, Endang Budi Karya, when submitting the activity report.

Endang also said that the event would be continued with the inauguration of the Dekranas New Entrepreneur Training in 2023. It is known that the training that took place was under the leadership of Deputy Daily Chair 2 Dekranas, Franka Makarim. Iriana Jokowi directly reviewed the Weaving and Craft Training which was at Benteng Field, Medan City.

The election of Medan City as the host of the Dekranas 43rd Anniversary Peak Event was also greeted enthusiastically by the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution.

"This activity shows that Medan City today is one of the driving motors, areas that are of concern from Dekranas, from the national level, to see Medan City craftsmen to grow and develop for Indonesia in the future," said Bobby.

Also attending this peak event were the Daily Chairperson of the Dekranas Mrs. Tri Tito Karnavian, the Chairperson of the 43rd Anniversary Commemoration Committee for Mrs. Endang Budi Karya, the Dekranas Management, and around 1500 participants consisting of the Chairman of the Dekranasda and the Dekranasda Management throughout Indonesia, related agencies as coaches, handicraft SMEs and other invitations.