5 Things That Often Make Parents Feel Guilty About Children

JAKARTA - Almost all parents, both fathers and mothers, once feel guilty for doing certain things to their children. Feelings of guilt have consequences related to the emotional health of parents and the welfare of children in general.

Feelings of guilt can cause parents to create unhealthy disciplinary habits, such as giving in to children or giving excessive compensation to the choices they make. Although these things can ease parents' guilt for a while, these responses may become unhealthy for children.

Reduce your guilt by understanding that there are no perfect parents and for the good of your child, you need to do what needs to be done. Here are five main reasons parents feel guilty to their children and tips on how to deal with these feelings, reported Very Well Family, Wednesday, May 10.

For parents who work outside the home, this can be a source of guilt. Because they had to leave their little one at home or day care, a sense of guilt arose because they had to work, earn income, and be guilty of making the office a place to escape from the chaotic condition of the house.

No need to worry, Father, Mother. Research shows that children's language skills, social, and cognitive can be developed by entering a quality child into child care. Remember, your life is also important. Keeping in touch for a moment with your routine can make your mental health better. Happy children born from happy parents too.

All parents feel ashamed when their child experiences tantrums in public places. For that, you can change your discipline strategy when dealing with situations like this. First, if you think the child is big enough to understand, make sure he knows the consequences of his bad behavior and gives punishment if he really behaves badly.

Sometimes the child behaves badly in public because he knows it's embarrassing for his parents and this allows him to get what he wants. When a child violates the rules, follow up with effective consequences.

If you feel guilty because your child consumes too much fast food, then remember that the food is not poison. Make it a treatment compared to daily food.

Reduce guilt by conducting research on healthier items on drive-thru. Or do research on what types of food you can serve at home quickly but healthily.

If you listen to some experts, electronics are a source of all bad things. TV and cellphone contribute to obesity, ADHD, and many other problems. Although it brings benefits, electronic devices can also cause harm in life.

It's all about balance. If a child watches TV every day for hours in a row, it's time to reduce. If he plays on his tablet for one hour every night and he watches movies on weekends, it's a moderate spectacle. Make sure your child has a lot of other activities that he likes. Running outside, building with a beam, or doing a job everyone has mental and physical health benefits.

Even parents who are the most relaxed have occasionally shouted at their children. And sometimes screaming is necessary. If your child chases the ball onto the street, don't worry about your tone of voice. Encourage a reminder to return to the sidewalk before something unexpected happens.

However, if you smile at the status quo, consider whether your stress level is high or if you need help managing anger. Or maybe, you need help finding more effective disciplinary techniques.

A licensed therapist can help find out why you find it difficult to maintain patience when facing your child and help you find a way to stay calm. That's important because screaming at your child can be harmful to his mental health.