18 Stolen Motorcycles Taken To Lampung, Share Part Released By Perpetrators So They Are Not Tracked
The results of the investigation by the Tambora Police Criminal Investigation Unit against 12 syndicates of motorcycle theft from the Lampung network, the gang has acted in 23 different crime scenes (TKP) in West Jakarta, North Jakarta to Tangerang.
"A total of 18 motorbikes resulting from the crime have been sent to Lampung. Meanwhile, we managed to confiscate 5 units as evidence," said Tambora Police Chief Kompol Putra Pratama when confirmed, Monday, May 8.
He explained that the perpetrators often changed crime partners. With the letter T key, the perpetrators easily got the motorbikes belonging to the victims. After getting the stolen motorbikes, the perpetrators collected up to 3 motorbikes per 3 motorbikes, then they released the spare parts of the motorbikes and sent them to Lampung using pickups, so that they could not be tracked down.
"The money from the sale of motorbikes is used to buy methamphetamine," he said.
The suspects are known to have the initials MA (25), S (33), BAA (23), MS (29), AS (27), HS (24), TN alias T (25), NM alias M (25), FI (22), BS (34), S alias M (25) and H (19). The average perpetrators are recidivists. A total of 12 suspects have different roles, ranging from motorcycle pickers, sending stolen goods to stolen collectors.
"The theft TKP in the Tambora area occurred in front of the building shop Jalan Krendang Cibubur. On Jalan Krendang Utara RT 2/2, Krendang Village, Sawah Lio Street and Jalan Jembatan Besi," said Kompol Putra.
The disclosure of this motorcycle theft syndicate stems from the arrest of 5 perpetrators in a rented house on Jalan Gang Urut, RR 01/06, Neutugtog Village, Pinang District, Tangerang City. The perpetrators rented 4 plots of rented rooms. The perpetrators were arrested along with evidence of stolen motorbikes and a letter T key.
Furthermore, the police carried out developments until they succeeded in arresting the other perpetrators with various roles. Meanwhile, as many as 12 perpetrators were subject to different articles.
"We apply Article 363 of the Criminal Code, Article 480 of the Criminal Code, Article 363 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code and Article 480 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code against 12 arrested perpetrators," he said.
However, Tambora Police are still pursuing 3 other People's Wanted List (DPO). The perpetrators with the initials B (DPO) acted as motorcycle pickers, F (DPO) motorcycle pickers and S (DPO) motorcycle collectors from Lampung. Previously, it was reported that the motorcycle theft syndicate was successfully uncovered by the Tambora Police. A total of 12 suspects were arrested from the disclosure of the motorcycle theft case. From the results of the examination, the perpetrators of the theft syndicate are the Lampung network. Currently, the perpetrators are still undergoing intensive examination at the Tambora Police.