Getting To Know KB Implants, Here Are A Number Of Excess And Lacks

YOGYAKARTA - KB implants are one type of family planning that is currently popular and is being carried out by many married couples to prevent pregnancy. However, there are still many families who do not know the KB implant and how the process works.

Many married couples choose family planning implants because the price is fairly cheap, but still effective in preventing pregnancy. In addition, family planning implants are also easier to release later. Couples who are married must know what family planning implants are and their strengths and disadvantages.

KB implants or also known as KB susuk are a type of hormonal contraception. This type of contraception contains a progesteron hormone. KB implants are used as a long-term contraceptive tool that can be used by women. This contraception can prevent pregnancy for 3 years from being installed.

The KB implant resembles a small and flexible plastic tube which contains hormones to prevent pregnancy. The use of the implant is done by installing it under the skin tissue of the upper arm.

There are a number of advantages that you will get when applying the implant family planning program to prevent pregnancy. The following are the benefits of undergoing implant family planning:

But behind the various excesses of family planning implants, this family planning program also has a number of shortcomings. The following is a shortage of family planning implants that you may experience:

Demikianlah review tentang apa itu KB implantasi beserta kelebihan dan kekurangannya. KB implantasi bisa dipilih oleh pasangan suami istri untuk mencegah kehamilan karena menawarkan berbagai kelebihan. Namun Anda juga perlu memperhatikan sejumlah kekurangan dari program KB yang satu ini.

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