Online Taxi Driver Persecuted By A Man With A Police Car Plate Claims To Be Traumatized, Stops While Making Money

JAKARTA - Hendra, an online taxi driver is still traumatized after the abuse he experienced on the Jakarta-Tangerang toll road, near the exit gate of Tomang toll road, West Jakarta, on Thursday, May 4.

To this day, the victim has not been able to return to make a living for his family.

"This is a very serious person. Traumatized, I didn'trik this today," said Hendra when contacted by VOI, Friday, May 5.

In addition, the perpetrator also had time to say threatening sentences to the victim at the time of the incident. The victim was also afraid of the sentence that threatened the perpetrator.

"If the threat is like he wants to catet (red) my number plate (car) and wants to track down (the address) me. He doesn't (not-ed) have time to claim to be a member, only the official plate (Polri) car," he said.

However, the victim became suspicious when he saw the perpetrator getting out of the car with the police license plate. The reason is, the body and face of the perpetrator do not describe that he is a law enforcement officer.

"When I saw him open the door like it wasn't an apparatus. But why bring a weapon?" He asked in a surprised tone.

The victim said that when the incident occurred, he was carrying a passenger who was about to be delivered to the destination.

"There were passengers at the time of the incident, from Tangerang to Wagon Pluit. The incident occurred last night around 10 pm," he said.

Furthermore, the victim immediately reported the incident to the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters. The victim hopes that the police can arrest the perpetrators.

"I have made a report to the Polda Metro Jaya on the advice of my friends. I have also had a post-mortem on my injuries due to the beating," he said.

A man driving a Mazda sedan with a police license plate plate carried out the persecution of an online taxi driver.

The incident took place at the Jakarta-Tangerang toll road, near the exit gate of Tomang toll road, West Jakarta, on Thursday night, May 4.