The Legal Process For Caucasians Who Visited The Imam Of The Mosque In Bandung Was Transferred From The Police To Immigration

BANDUNG - Immigration Class I Bandung explored the violation committed by Mchartur Brenton Craig Abas Abdullah spat on the Mosque Imam in Bandung. The investigation was carried out before the deportation penalty was imposed.

Head of Immigration Class I Bandung Arief Hazairin Satoto said this was done after the legal process was stopped at the police after the victim withdrew his report. However, the Australian foreigner is considered to have made him restless while in Indonesia, especially in Bandung, West Java.

"Today, we received the delegation concerned from the Bandung Police. We will further investigate the actions taken by the suspect, if he is proven to have violated, he will definitely be deported," said Arief at the Bandung Police Headquarters, West Java, Thursday, May 4, confiscated by Antara.

The Australian foreigner who claimed to be a convert, continued Arief, was suspected of violating Article 75 of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration, namely regarding disturbances to public order.

"Of course we will investigate again, today we will conduct an examination of the person concerned," he said.

Arief said that his party had investigated public order violations even though they had been questioned by the police because they were deported, meaning that they could no longer return to Indonesia.

"Of course we have to check the violations because there are allegations of disturbing public order and disturbing residents, of course we will investigate it first from public reports. God willing, this week it will be done," he said.

Previously, the police collaborated with Soekarno-Hatta Immigration Tangerang, Banten, to arrest Mchartur Brenton Craig Abas Abdullah, on Friday evening, April 28, at around 23.00 WIB.

Brenton was arrested because he was previously known to have spat on the Imam of the Al Muhajir Mosque Muhammad Basri Anwar in Sekejati, Buah Batu, Bandung City, West Java.

In this case, the Bandung Polrestabes stopped the legal process against an Australian foreigner named Mchartur Brenton Craig Abas Abdullah who abused a Mosque Imam in Bandung by visiting some time ago.

Bandung Police Chief Kombes Pol Budi Sartono added that the termination of the legal process at the police was because the victim had withdrawn his report for violating Article 335 paragraph 1 and Article 315 of the Criminal Code, following the suspect admitting and apologizing after being detained for four days.

"Because Article 335 paragraph 1 is a complaint offense, therefore, we have stopped the article from us," said Budi.

However, Budi said, because the suspect's actions had entered the realm of disturbing public order, the police transferred the suspect to Bandung Immigration.

"We will delegate the suspect to Immigration because there are articles that have been violated, namely public order," he said.