Madiun City Inflation 0.22 Percent Triggered An Increase In Kretek Filter Cigarettes

MADIUN - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Madiun City noted that in the region in April 2023 there was inflation of 0.22 percent which was driven by an increase in the price of filter kretek cigarettes.

"This filter kretek shop experienced inflation of 2.63 percent and contributed quite a lot, namely 0.05 percent," said Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Madiun City, Dwi Yuhenny, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 2.

In addition to filter kretek cigarettes, inflation is also triggered by rice commodity prices, chicken meat, inter-city transportation, rising train rates, rental vehicles, and beef prices.

"Although in March-April there is a big harvest, this rice is also still a commodity that triggers inflation. Not only in East Java but also nationally," he said.

Meanwhile, a number of inflationary suppression commodities include lower prices for cayenne pepper, broiler eggs, online two-wheeled vehicle fares, cell phones, shallots, garlic, and lower cooking oil prices.

"Yesterday's cayenne pepper became a commodity that needs to be watched out for when Eid will increase, but it turns out that from March to April there has been a decline," he said.

Despite inflation, his party appreciated the performance of the local regional inflation control team (TPID), so that the inflation rate in Madiun City could be controlled, and even recorded a decline in April which reached 0.22 percent. According to data, Madiun City inflation in March 2023 was 0.25 percent.

Madiun City's inflation in April 2023 was 0.22 percent lower than East Java's inflation which reached 0.30 percent and nationally 0.33 percent.

Of the eight cities that calculate national inflation in East Java, all experienced inflation. The highest inflation occurred in Probolinggo and Sumenep with 0.45 percent each. Then Surabaya 0.34 percent, Malang 0.24 percent, Madiun 0.22 percent, Jember 0.21 percent. Next Banyuwangi 0.18 percent, and Kediri 0.13 percent.