Psychologist: Feelings Of Unsatisfied Holidays Can Trigger The Emergence Of A Malay Feeling Of Work
JAKARTA - Gadjah Mada University (UGM) psychologist Novi Poespita Candra said that feeling dissatisfied spending vacation moments was the trigger for the emergence of labor laziness to decrease productivity.
"This phenomenon is known as a holiday paradox. After the long holiday, but feels that the holiday period is short, which makes people not ready to return to work after the holidays," he said in a written statement from UGM Public Relations in Yogyakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, April 29.
According to him, there are six tips that can be done so that they can return to productivity after the long holiday.
First, he said, building a new atmosphere is to give encouragement to yourself, starting from changing the atmosphere of the desk in the office to changing the style of dress.
Second, schedule a meeting agreement to socialize with closest friends or office partners so that it can be a transition from vacation to routine activities.
"Meeting with office friends, for example through halal bihalal this can be a place to socialize with each other again, a transition from vacation to original activities," he said.
Ketiga, lanjut Novi, adalah menyusun rencana baru setelah menjalani liburan agar mampu memperbaiki hal-hal yang belum sesuai sehingga saat memulai aktivitas bisa lebih semangat.
Fourth, recalling the purpose of life because work can revive enthusiasm to start a routine.
"Actually, this is the most important thing, considering the purpose of life. For example, why do we choose this job, this spirit is raised again," he said.
Fifth, return to their original habits ranging from eating patterns, sleeping patterns, to doing physical or sporting activities.
"If you go on vacation, usually all food is eaten, wake up during the day and others, now this should start from a transition period back to a healthy life. Because mental conditions are greatly influenced by physical activity, food, and daily activities," said Novi.
Sixth, he continued, warm up first before starting a routine by compiling a list of activities that must be done and starting from light things.