Transportation Observer: Fuel Distribution During Eid Al-Fitr 2023 Smoothly
JAKARTA - Transportation observer Darmaningtyas assesses that the Eid Al-Fitr 2023 homecoming service is better than before, as seen from Pertamina's smooth distribution of fuel and no long queues of vehicles at various gas stations.
"As far as my observations, I did not find any queues of vehicles at gas stations. Be it gas stations in the rest area of toll roads or on non-toll roads," he said in his statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday, April 28.
According to him, the smooth distribution of fuel shows that the homecoming and backflow services this time are better than the previous year, both on the island of Java and outside Java.
"Homecomers are also not worried that they will run out of fuel, because for 24 hours the officers will continue to be on guard," said the Head of the Institute for Transportation Studies (Intrans).
The smooth flow of homecoming and return, including the smooth running of fuel services for road users, according to Darmaningtyas, is also caused by the synergy of all stakeholders who are running very well.
Moreover, he continued, President Jokowi also appealed to civil servants, BUMN employees and the private sector to avoid the peak of the 2023 Eid backflow.
Thus, he added, although the Ministry of Transportation previously predicted that homecomers would be around 123 million people, an increase of 15 percent compared to last year but more under control.
He said that some roads were not too crowded, for example, DIY and Central Java were also monitored more smoothly, including the Yogyakarta 'Wonosari' route and the South Coast in the Gunung Kidul area.
Meanwhile, public policy analyst at Trisakti University Trubus Rahadiansyah also considered positive for all parties involved in maintaining the smooth flow of homecoming and return, including Pertamina, which has formed the Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr (Rafi) Task Force to maintain the smooth supply of fuel.
"I give my appreciation to all stakeholders and all parties involved in this year's homecoming flow so that everything goes smoothly, including Pertamina's BBM service," he said.
Trubus, who this year went home to Yogyakarta, stated that Pertamina's services were good, did not find long queues when vehicles refueled.
"This condition indicates Pertamina is alert to the needs of the community," he said.
According to him, Pertamina's support and services during Eid moments from year to year are getting better. The travelers are not worried about running out of fuel because for 24 hours the officers will continue to be on guard.
Pertamina previously stated its commitment to serve and meet the needs of travelers this year.
Through the Rafi 2023 Task Force, the BUMN has alerted various main facilities and facilities covering 114 fuel terminals, 23 LPG terminals, more than 7,400 gas stations, 667 SPBEs, 4,972 LPG agents, and 68 DPPUs.
In addition, 1,505 gas stations are prepared, 5,471 LPG agents are on standby, 43 Kiosk Pertamina Siaga, 391 Motoris Pertamina Delivery Service (PDS), 201 Standby Tanks, additional tanks at gas stations, especially in small islands, and 13 Pertamina Siaga Houses.
The Rafi Task Force also cooperates with various key stakeholders, namely the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Transportation, BPH Migas, TNI-Polri, Jasa Marga, and Telkom Indonesia.