In The Aftermath Of The Bima Case, Cak Imin To The Regent Of East Lampung: Can't Be Part Of Atikritic!

JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar opened his voice over the polemic that highlighted one of his cadres, namely the Regent of East Lampung Dawam Rahardjo.

Dawam has been criticized by many parties for allegedly intimidating the parents of Tiktok Bima user Yudho Saputro with the account name Awbimax Reborn.

Bima's parents were reportedly intimidated by Dawam as a result of Bima's criticism regarding Lampung's condition. Bima sees it difficult for Lampung to become an advanced province and highlight the infrastructure, education, and bureaucracy in the area.

Responding to this, Cak Imin emphasized that Dawam as regional head was prohibited from being the party opposing all public criticism.

"He should not be anti-critic," said Cak Imin on his Twitter account @cakimiNow, quoted on Sunday, April 16.

The deputy chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives stated that the PKB Central Executive Board (DPP) had reprimanded Dawam regarding the Bima case. To PKB, Dawam claimed that he only defended himself from the criticism made by Bima.

"The Regent of East Lampung has been reprimanded by the PKB DPP. The clarification is that he did not complain anything. He tried to defend but was misunderstood," said Cak Imin.

This case began when Bima uploaded a video criticizing the development in Lampung with the title "Why is Lampung not advancing". From the upload, Bima admitted that his parents were intimidated by the East Lampung Regency Government.

Netizens stormed Dawam Rahardjo's Instagram account to make various further criticisms. After that, Dawam denied that he had intimidated Bima's family.

"Assalamualaikum, Wr, Wb. Tabik Puun. Tonight I came to Mas Bima's Parents, who basically wanted to clarify the news circulating about the regent intimidating and saying that Mas Bima's parents could not educate their children was not true," Dawam wrote on Dawam_rahardjo's Instagram account.

Then, an advocate named Gindha Ansori Wayka under the article of the ITE Law. Ansori views Bima as making a statement that elements of SARA because of the diction the word "dajjal" in the video of his criticism of Lampung.