Pelindo Managed To Save IDR 1.3 Trillion After The Merger
JAKARTA - PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo has succeeded in recording efficiency and optimizing the company's work after the merger or business combination. In fact, it was noted that it was able to save IDR 1.3 trillion.
Main Director of Pelindo Arif Suhartono said that this achievement came mostly from consolidation and optimizing the company's financial capacity including optimizing financing and relocating assets.
Including the implementation of joint procurement which creates stronger financial capacity as well as integrated asset optimization.
"This achievement is a reflection of the benefits of the Pelindo merger which can only be obtained through synergies between Pelindo Group entities. So that the management of all the company's resources can be carried out more efficiently and provide the maximum contribution to the state," he said at the Media Gathering, in Jakarta, Wednesday, April 12.
With centralized management, said Arif, Pelindo now has better strategic control, making it easier to transform end-to-end operational services. Such as creating a standardized port operational service system that previously varied between ports.
Furthermore, Arif said several standardized systems were Nusantara's TOS for container services, NPK TOS for non-container services, and Phinisi for ship services.
“This transformation has brought benefits to various parties. For Pelindo itself, for example, there has been an increase in operational cost efficiency, potential for additional traffic, increased competence and knowledge," he said.
For customers, said Arif, the reduction in port stay and cargo stay can help reduce ship rental and operational costs for shipping line companies.
"Which in the end is expected to contribute to reducing logistics costs and supporting maritime connectivity," he said.