Slipping Into The Riau Volunteer River After Stepping On Duri's Feet, The Body Of An Elementary School Boy Was Found

RIAU - The Joint SAR Team found the body of Ahmad Hafidz (14), an elementary school student who drowned in the Bengkarai River in Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province, Sunday 9 April.

"The victim was found by residents on Sunday (April 9) at 22.39 WIB about 200 meters from the location when he drowned. When found the victim was wearing a green t-shirt and orange balls shorts," said the Head of BPBD Pelalawan Regency, Zulfan Faris, Monday, April 10, confiscated by Antara.

The victim had also been taken to the funeral home in Lubuk Kembang Sari Village at that time.

The victim was found after a search was carried out by local residents together with a joint team of the TNI, Polri and BPBD Pelalawan. The victim allegedly drowned at around 14.30 WIB on Sunday afternoon. The victim was playing with friends at the location of the Bengkarai River tributary.

"At the location there was a small river that overflowed due to heavy rains that hit the Ukui area. So the information we got was that the victim was bathing at the location of the Bengkarai tributary," said Zulfan.

When the victim finished bathing with his friends, the victim was about to take the thorn in his leg. That's when the victim allegedly slipped and fell and was dragged by the current of the river and then drowned.

Some of his friends had tried to help and shouted for help from residents, but the victim was no longer found.

"We received information at 17.00 WIB. The team immediately moved there after breaking the fast. The initial sweeping was carried out using a rubber boat. The water condition had receded that night. We found it not far from the starting point of the drowning victim," said Zulfan.

Meanwhile, Ermanto, the victim's uncle, admitted that he was sincere about the tragedy experienced by his extended family. "Previously on Friday, his grandfather who died, now it is Sigit (the name of the victim) who died. We are sincere with this test. His son is good, diligent and polite to his family. If he laughed, his eyes were short, so we called him spit," he said.