Residents Of Central And North Bogor Are Still Taking Care Of Their Large Waters, The City Government Invites The Village Head To Eliminate Habits

BOGOR - The Bogor City Government (Pemkot) conducted a mapping with all the village heads in its area, especially those who still have residents defecating carelessly. The village heads were asked to eradicate this habit together.

Bogor City Regional Secretary Syarifah Sofiah said the meeting related to this had been held in two sub-districts where the behavior of defecating was still found. The sub-districts are in Central Bogor and North Bogor.

"What was discussed and what was done was the same as what was discussed in the coordination meeting in North Bogor District a few weeks ago. Evaluation of ODF (Open Defecation Free/stop defecating carelessly) and stunting into two discussions of this coordination meeting, because the efforts we are doing are the same. If there is a mapping, where areas with high ODF must also have high stunting. Whatever intake is given, it will be useless if the life is not clean, it will be useless," said Syarifah in her statement, Friday, April 7, confiscated by Antara.

Syarifah emphasized that the village heads throughout the Central Bogor sub-district and all parties related to the handling carried out must be synergized and together with other regional officials to come down to assist in implementing the ODF evaluation.

Assistant to the Government of the Bogor City Secretariat, Irwan Riyanto, hopes that the village heads and all parties in the region will immediately implement matters related to ODF and stunting discussed in the coordination meeting so that the results can be seen soon. It is hoped that the village heads can build collaboration with the private sector.

Head of Central Bogor Sub-district, Dicky Iman Nugraha admitted, through the visit program to the Region Every Day (Berlari) of Central Bogor District together with the village heads and ranks went to their respective areas every day one RW to map the ODF and stunting.

From the ODF data in 2023, it was recorded that there were 6,057 points after being validated to the region not as a whole, but from validation data obtained from several RWs in Tegallega Village, there were 178 wrong data, followed by 41 in Ciwaringin Village.

"For stunting data until the end of March 2023, we will reduce 633 stunting data. That has been reconciled with the Health Office," said Dicky.

According to him, rivers and tributaries are'soft food' for residents who don't care about ODF. In addition, demographic conditions, population density, economic factors and finally mental and cultural conditions.

Efforts to provide solutions for residents by building a septic tank have been carried out by the central Bogor District, but the obstacle encountered is that water appears at a depth of 50 cm because the existing land is a cliff, in addition to the density of houses that only leave a road in the form of an alley 1 meter away.

Meanwhile, from the findings in the field, Dicky continued, there were not a few residents who were economically capable but did not have a personal septic tank.

Building partnerships with business actors in all places of worship to unite the view that ODF and stunting are common problems, not only the Bogor City Government, it is one of the strategies implemented by the Central Bogor District.

"Alhamdulillah, of all that we have visited, all are ready to support the handling of ODF and stunting in Central Bogor District according to their capacity and ability," he concluded.