Gerindra Accommodates UN Aspirations To Make Yusril Prabowo's Vice Presidential Candidate

JAKARTA - The Gerindra Party will accommodate the aspirations of the Crescent Star Party (PBB) which wants to propose its General Chair, Yusril Ihza Mahendra, as the vice presidential candidate accompanying Prabowo Subianto at the meeting this afternoon in Kertanegara, South Jakarta, Thursday, April 6.

Gerindra stated that he would discuss all the aspirations and discussions of the meeting with his coalition partner, the National Awakening Party (PKB). "All aspirations will be discussed. From us, Mr. Prabowo is a presidential candidate, from the United Nations, Mr. Yusril cawapres, from PKB there is also," said Gerindra Party Deputy Head Habiburokhman at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, April 6. Currently, continued Habiburokhman, the Gerindra Party is bound to cooperate with PKB in the Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition (KKIR). So, he said, any decision in the coalition, especially regarding presidential and vice presidential candidates, is under the authority of the two ketums.

"Of course we are bound by the Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition with PKB, where our presidential and vice presidential candidates must be discussed by the two people. So whatever the offer from Mr. Yusril was made, it was conveyed to the two people for discussion," explained Habiburokhman.

In addition to the 2024 presidential election, Habiburokhman said that the Gerindra and PBB meetings would also discuss the electoral system. Where there is a difference in choice between the two political parties, Gerindra supports an open proportional system while the UN chooses a closed proportional system.

"But when it comes to a proportional system, the Gerindra Party remains independent, it must be open. Because this nation is very pluralistic and it is the right of the people that we have worked hard to get," explained Habiburokhman. "This open proportional people have the right to directly determine their candidates in the DPR RI," he continued. Previously, the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, Solihin Pure, said that his party meeting with Gerindra this afternoon in the context of the gathering as well as discussing the direction of the 2024 presidential election. "The agenda for the political gathering with Prabowo. Of course, we will also discuss the 2024 presidential election plan," said Solihin, Thursday, April 6.

The United Nations, added Solihin, will also offer Yusril as a vice presidential candidate to accompany Prabowo Subianto. "God willing, Prabowo is a presidential candidate, Prof. Yusril cawapres," he added.