Chosen By DARPA, Northrop Grumman Will Develop Moon Train Concept
Illustration of the construction of the moon train (photo: dock. NASA)

JAKARTA Northrop Grumman, aerospace technology company, proposed a lunar rail concept for the LunA-10 program. Once proposed, Northrop will develop the concept.

The reason is, the US Defense Continue Research Project Agency (DARPA) as the organizer of the LunaA-10 program has chosen the concept. Apparently, DARPA hopes that this concept will be able to open up opportunities for economic development.

Northrop had similar hopes when they first designed the concept. The company believes that the concept of a lunar train can contribute to the space economy. This concept can also strengthen international partnerships.

Chris Adams, Vice President and General Manager of the Strategic Space System Northrop Grumman, said investment from DARPA could help Northrop in developing leading technology.

"With our proven experience in the integration of complex systems and commercialized autonomous services, we will continue to create long-term changes to a sustainable space ecosystem," Adams said.

So far, Northrop plans to determine the interfaces and resources needed to build a lunar train network. Northrop will also set an important list of cost risks, technology, and logistics.

In addition, Northrop's study will identify prototypes, demonstrations, and design analysis of concepts and architectures of the full-operational lunar train system.

If possible, Northrop would like to explore a more mature concept for operating the system with robotics. This system will be used for foundation preparation, inspection, maintenance, to repair.

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