How Courtney Love Helps The Last Dinner Party With Nothing Matters Lyrics Sensors For Radios
Last Dinner Party (Instagram @lastdinnerparty)

JAKARTA - An indie rock unit, The Last Dinner Party revealed, Courtney Love helped advise them on how to censor Nothing Matters lyrics for radio.

The original version of the single debut twintet from London, England has a refrain section where vocalist Abigail Morris sings: and I will listen to you, like nothing matters. [And I will sleep with you, as if nothing is important"].

On radio and recent TV shows on The Graham Norton Show on the UK and The Late Show With Stephen Colbert Stateside, they changed the word have to have.

Speaking to Music Week, Morris revealed how Love advised them to change the lyrics when they met them at a festival.

"We met him at The Great Escape and at that time we struggled with what we would use other than [the F-word] because that's the point," Morris said.

After the show, he climbed the dressing room ladder saying, 'I understand!' He had an empty medicine package and he wrote the 'punch' there.

'He seemed to offer us an offer. We were like, 'Yes, thank you!' We appreciate his spirit.'

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